Every student should have a library book in his or her possession at all times. "
Howell Webb, Founder
That philosophy has been a key part of the School’s culture from the beginning, and the Betty Webb Library is the heart of Foothill Country Day School. Reading is one of they key pillars of a Foothill education, and we make sure to celebrate "wins" for students who meet their individually-assigned reading goals. This year, for example, we have several students who have joined the "Millionaires Club" by managing to read one million words.
The Library is home to over 32,000 volumes that are checked out on a daily basis with state-of-the-art circulation software. The Library building, and especially the Canary Room, provide a nurturing environment to encourage the love of reading in our students.
Our librarian, Shawn Clark, connects with every student on campus as she is very involved in matching children’s needs with the books they enjoy. She also oversees computerized assessments such as Accelerated Reader and STAR reading tests. The Library is also used to host special events throughout the year, such as campus visits and book signings from best-selling authors.