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Five Kindergarten children of varied ethnicities laughing and hugging
Future Community Leaders
4 boys with excited and surprised faces building a tall tower with cards
Future Engineers
A kindergarten girl with blonde hair reading a book about a Hermit Crab
Future Best Selling Author
3 children with a teacher working in raised garden boxes
Future Environmental Activists
three teen girls, one in a blue hijab and two Black laughing and looking at each other
Future Ambassadors
One girl and two boys running on stage in Alice in Wonderland Play
Future Academy Award Winners
photo of 3 students with trophies
Future Law Firm Partners
A group of 15 first grade boys and girls sitting on the floor in the gym  holding volleyballs
Future Olympic Team

Leaders Start Here

Foothill students are well-prepared for their choice of destination schools. Graduates from the Class of 2020 are headed to college, while the Class of 2024 are leading their classes in high school. This is a sampling of where those students are continuing their academic careers right now:

Learn first. Lead next.

Imagine a beautiful, vibrant campus where students and teachers are happy to be learning every day, and where students are known and supported in finding their talents. Imagine a place where students grow into ambitious, compassionate, and courageous leaders whether they become artists or scientists, authors or engineers. Foothill Country Day School is that place! The Foothill experience offers a solid academic foundation to children from ages 2 - 14, the critical window of life when your child will begin to see who they are meant to be. 

We invite you to explore this site to learn how Foothill develops leaders and how your child could be one of them. Tap the box below for your child's age group to learn more: Preschool-TK, Lower School (grades Kindergarten - 5) or Upper School (grades 6 - 8). 

Connect with our admissions team today! 


The Seedling School
age 2 - transitional kindergarten  

Learn More

600 children in colorful shirts creating a falcon shape on a field

See Your Child Soar!

Our Mission 

Foothill Country Day School is a safe, nurturing, and inclusive community. We are united in pursuing intellectual inquiry, academic excellece, integrity, and service to others. We inspire each student to become ambitious, compassionate, and courageous. 

ParentED: A Learning Destination for Parents

toddler boy  wearing blue shorts and shirt holding an iphone and looking at the screen

You might think you are giving your child a head start in tech, or maybe you just need to survive your busy day. Everybody loves Ms. Rachel on Youtube/Netflix, right? But a new study shows that handing your young child a screen to occupy them is likely damaging their chances for academic success by the time they are 9 years old

Read More about Is Your Preschooler an iPad Kid?